This week CEINAV is completing almost all of 24 workshops with practitioners in the four countries, a major step
forward in the empirical work of our project! Only two workshops had to be
re-scheduled for early September. Central aim of the workshops was to explore how
decisions are made in difficult situations, and to look at the
dilemmas that arise in practice, when conflicting rights, needs or mandates
appear. The workshops were very successful, and the participants were
enthusiastic about the opportunity to reflect in more depth and in dialogue
with other professions on how they deal with the challenges of addressing
The workshops were designed to
follow a common structure in all four countries and across the three areas of
violence, with open-ended focal-group methodology then allowing the diversity
arising from the country context and the differences between frameworks of
intervention for domestic violence, trafficking, and child protection to come
to the fore.
meetings and conversations with the associate partners and among the five
research teams, we defined a list of the main areas of practice for each of the
three forms of violence, identifying which professionals could have experience
in recognizing situations of violence and initiating intervention. Participants
were sought who would not work together on a daily basis, often coming from
different towns or districts.
guidelines for the agreed procedure were written, suggesting key ethical dilemmas that may lie
beneath the surface of discussions. Drawing on the expertise of cooperating practitioners as well as on
research knowledge, a basic narrative for a paradigmatic case study was
developed. It begins before intervention when the signs and signals for
possible violence are not yet clear for any professional, and then continues in
two stages of probable contact with agencies and indications of more serious
harm. In the interest of comparability, six core questions were also formulated
that were asked in the same way in all workshops. In the course of two half-day
sessions, there was plenty of time to pursue issues and differences important
to the participants.
The agreed
set of core questions and the agreed narrative arc in all the stories
comprising three sequences provided the scaffolding upon which we could hang
the tapestry of our diversity. The next step in our work will be to analyse the
workshops “two by two”, in order to write a working paper on the shape and
patterns of intervention and its dilemmas for each form of violence within the
context of each country. These 12 papers will be the material for a working
seminar with all partners and all associate partners in the fall.