Final Report
After three years of hard work and exciting and fruitful cooperation, CEINAV is proud to present our final report. It comprises a four-page summary of the whole and a more detailed description of the project objectives, methodology and main achievements, as well as a list of the outputs. Our collaborative way of working and managing this ambitious and complex project is also described and the key role of the associate partners from practice in all four countries underlined. The report gives an overview of the networking, dissemination, and knowledge exchange activities and includes a list of publications relating to the work of CEINAV.

There are three films that came out of CEINAVA) “Everything I told them”
Available upon request
Publicly available on the project website as of 2018 under
B) “Sendas / Paths”
Animation film
Publicly available on the project website as of 2018 under
C) Cultural Encouters in Intervention against violence – Creative
Documentary of the CEINAV creative dialogue meeting.
This video documents the encounter of professionals with art works of survivors who participated in CEINAV. In a creative dialogue aim was to explore whether and how art could be useful in intervention. While the dialogue was held in all four countries this video shows impressions from the German workshop.
Publicly available on the project website under or directly at
Transnational Foundations for Ethical Practice in Interventions Against Violence Against Women and Child Abuse
achieved one of its main goals: to develop a transnational foundation for
ethical practice in intervention, taking a holistic view of the forms of
violence we have studied, while attending to differences. The paper
“Transnational Foundations for Ethical Practice in
Interventions Against Violence Against Women and Child Abuse” results from in-depth discussions in the entire four-country team, and was
written by Liz Kelly and Thomas Meysen with an approach that speaks directly to
practitioners and the challenges they face. We make this paper available in the four languages of our project, and
invite others to translate into further languages (but please let us know if
you do so!)

An Anthology of Stories
Cultural Encounters in Intervention Against Violence vol 2

Experiences of Intervention Against Violence - An Anthology of Stories, Cultural Encounters in Intervention Against Violence vol 2, Carol Hagemann-White & Bianca Grafe eds. Opladen, Berlin & Toronto: Barbara Budrich Publishers 2016.
Interventions against child abuse and violence against women: Ethics and culture in practice and policy
Cultural Encounters in Intervention Against Violence vol 1
Responses to violence encounter complex intersections of power relations, rights, culture and ethics.
This book offers perspectives from a four-country study of interventions on domestic violence, trafficking for sexual exploitation, physical child abuse and neglect. Voices of professionals as well as of women and young people who have experienced intervention illuminate how and why practices may differ. Theories of structural inequality and ethics are discussed and translated into practice.
Interventions against child abuse and violence against women: Ethics and culture in practice and policy, Cultural Encounters in Intervention Against Violence vol 1, Carol Hagemann- White, Liz Kelly & Thomas Meysen eds. Opladen, Berlin & Toronto: Barbara Budrich Publishers 2019.
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