Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Juggling tasks: Interviews, Analysis and Participatory Art

A couple of weeks have passed again, but the more busy we get, the less time we find for writing and keeping you up to date.

Let me just update you with our work schedule.

All the interviews are done

Although in some of the countries it was very hard  to get all the interviewpartners we aimed for, and sometimes we did not succeed, we did what we could. But I am happy to announce, that on the other hand we have more interviews than anticipated in all fields of violence in the German team and in the field of domestiv violence and child abuse in the Portuguese team.

Analysis is on the way

The researchers have extracted stories out of the interviews which very briefly tell a story. In order to keep them anonymous, we split up some interviews in several stories, so the unique combination would not give away who told it. As always, this overlaps with analyzing the interviews. Meanwhile...

the artists are preparing and conducting their workshops

The first art workshop with interviewees already took place in Slovenia and produced some interesting pieces which are not ready for public presentation at this time.  We will however discuss them in four creative dialoge meetings with practitioners and associate partners in each of the four countries in September.
Also the artists have gotten their own little discussion space which is also (due to safety reasons) closed off from the public. There they can discuss their ideas and inspirations as well as very practical questions. We will invite one of the artists to write something here later.

Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Working paper on relevant ethical theories and challenges online

Intervention against violence is increasingly recognized as a responsibility of society, its laws and institutions, but when is intervention just and effective, given the diversity of today’s societies? 

When is it respectful and responsive to the needs and life projects of those involved? 

How can intervention expand the space for agency and self-determination of those who have been or still are exposed to violence?

A main goal of CEINAV is to identify key ethical concerns and moral dilemmas that arise in practice and to develop guidance for intervention strategies responding to the diverse voices of those seeking protection, support or help. Workshops with professionals and interviews with women and young people who have experienced intervention have provided many insights into some of these issues.
As a foundation for systematic analysis, a working paper on “Salient ethical issues for intervention against violence” is now available online right --> here <--