Last week the full team of CEINAV researchers worked together for
four days to deepen the project findings and prepare the final steps.
During the winter the projects teams in the four countries met with
practitioners, stakeholders and women and
young people who had told us about their intervention experiences. These
meetings served to present and discuss preliminary results, as well as reflecting
on the art from creative workshops with survivors of violence. Now the
researchers are developing a synthesis across countries for each form of
violence. We call them “triangulation papers” because they bring together the perspectives
of professionals, the experiences of survivors, and our background knowledge
about intervention systems like three corners of a triangle.
In Ljublana we have taken important steps towards producing outcomes
that we hope will be useful and accessible to practitioners and stakeholders in
the intervention field. These include: (1) a paper proposing some ethical
foundations for effective and helpful intervention practice, (2) a video with
voices of professionals and of survivors illustrating different perceptions of
key ethical issues, and (3) an anthology of stories based on the messages that
survivors who have travelled through a history of intervention could offer to
intervention actors. In addition, videos are being finalised from the four
countries showing, in very different ways, how art work by survivors might
communicate important aspects of their intervention experience. Separate papers
will undertake a synthesis of the theoretical work in CEINAV.
Alongside planning for the closing events in each of the four countries,
the 4-day seminar also yielded a plan for an edited book to which the both the
lead researchers and the early career researchers will contribute papers; a
prospectus is being developed within the next few weeks. It will be a site for
explaining more fully the methodology, the theoretical framework, and some interesting
The space of four days in Ljubljana opened up time for every participant
to comment on a preliminary version of the video, and on the draft paper of
ethical foundations. In depth debates during the meeting concerned how ethical guidance
for practice might be connected with ethical theories. Comparing overall “intervention
cultures” was also a topic of lively debate, where the contentions around the
notion of culture and the complexity of intervention systems and practices
circulated to further develop our understanding. There is work still to be done
on a conceptual framework for our findings, with the challenge of integrating
intersectionality and postcolonial theories with insights from the theories of subalternity
and coloniality, This path will help us articulate and clarify the connections
between structural violence and interpersonal violence.
Surrounded by beautiful sights and wonderful sunshine, CEINAV
researchers gathered new energy to take back to our respective countries and to
work on the final steps of the project.
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