Friday, March 10, 2017

Bystanders Presentation

Bystanders – Developing responses to sexual harassment among young people is an international project promoted by the Faculty of Psichology and Educational Sciences of the University of Porto which focuses on Sexual Harassment (SH) against teenage girls and young women. The other partners in this project are the United Kingdom, Malta and Slovenia. The Project Bystanders is a result of the excellent collaboration between the partners in the Project CEINAV – Cultural Encounters in Intervention Against Violence, lead by Carol Hagemann-White. 

Sexual Harassment is defined by unwanted physical and nonphysical verbal and cyber sexual attention, including a wide range of behaviors that victimize women and girls. Boys and young men may also be victims of SH, especially when they do not meet the standards of the hegemonic masculinity socialization.
People who see the violent behavior and can do something to help the victims are also involved in these situations — they are bystanders. The Project Bystanders aims to work with bystanders to improve awareness and responses to SH in schools. 

Hence, the objectives of the Project are:
- to increase knowledge and awareness about SH in high school students, teachers and other school staff in PT, Sl, UK and Mt
- to develop and deliver a training program for young people and school staff enabling them to intervene in situations of SH and/or assault as bystanders
- to increase the motivation of bystanders to stop SH in high schools
- to develop a manual and materials enabling young people to deal with SH at school and its surroundings, adapted to the context and cultures of the four countries
- to work with a whole school approach to policies and protocols on SH
- to compare the implementation and effectiveness of the program within and between the four countries

The Project Team:
Faculty of Phycology and Education Sciences University of Porto:
       Maria José Magalhães:

Women’s Association, Alternative and Response
       Ana Guerreiro
       Cátia Pontedeira
United kingdom:
London Metropoly University
       Liz Kelly
University of Malta
       Aleksndar Dimitrijevic
       Marcelline Naudi
       Rodianne Ellul Buhagiar
       Barbara Stelnaszek
Peace Institute - Institute for Comtemporary Social and Political Studies
       Vlasta Jalušič
       Maja Ladić
       Lana Zdravkovic
       Anita Jerina
       Sabina Cobec